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Displaying posts with tag: firebird (reset)
Log Buffer #86: a Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Welcome to the 86th edition of Log Buffer, the weekly review of database blogs. Let’s jump right in. MySQL This was the week in which Sun Microsystems’ acquisition of MySQL went through. Wow, that didn’t take long at all! Zack Urlocker reports on the celebration at MySQL AB when the deal was completed, and [...]

New challenges, new synthax

This post wants to be:1. A quick glance at the new "common table expression" (aka hierarchical queries) in Firebird 2.12. A call to action for other opensource databasesSo, on with 1., Firebird recently added another great feature, common table expressions (CTE) which, to my eye at least, boils down to hierarchical queries.This is basically the ability to efficiently and easily query hierarchical

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