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Paramiko Update Tutorial

There are situations when you need to update the python-paramiko library that is bundled with MySQL Workbench. This may be because you prefer
using the latest cutting edge versions, are just curious, or you can’t wait for a new Workbench version.

To update, first download the latest python-paramiko release from After downloading and extracting the archive, you’ll see a paramiko folder inside of the extracted folder. This folder needs to be copied into the appropriate MySQL Workbench folder on the system.

* For Windows, this location is usually

* For OS X, this will be

* For Linux, you should use your repository manager (yum, apt-get, etc.), but …

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Heads up! MySQL 5.7 DMR6 contains a (small) known bug

MySQL 5.7 DMR6 was been released today! By my crude measurement, it is a big release with a number of new features and bug fixes:

morgo@Rbook:~$ for V in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do curl --silent$V.html | wc -l; done;
4914 <-- DMR2
4121 <-- DMR6

The release notes have one important known bug to note:

This bug has been fixed in 5.7.7.

MySQL Utilities Makes Skipping Transactions on Multiple Servers Easy

We are very happy to introduce a new MySQL utility named “mysqlslavetrx“, which allows users to easily skip multiple transactions on multiple servers in a single step. This utility is one of three new utilities included in MySQL Utilities release-1.6.1 Alpha. The other utilities are “mysqlbinlogpurge” and “mysqlbinlogrotate“, which can be used to purge and rotate binary logs.

The mysqlslavetrx utility allows you to skip multiple transactions on several slaves. More precisely, it injects empty transactions for the specified Global Transaction Identifier (GTID) set and list of target slaves. Skipping transactions can be useful to quickly recover from erroneous situations that can occur during the replication process, or to handle errant transactions. Check out the following blog posts for more details about concrete situations where you might need to inject empty transactions: …

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MySQL Vs Db2 – Part 1

MySQL is open-source RDBMS and is gaining popularity in the recent years.. I am starting a comparison series for mysql and db2..This series will help MySQL DBAs to catchup Db2 quickly and vice versa.. Please post your feedback

1. Knowing the software version :

mysql> select version() ;


| version() |
| 5.5.28 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show global variables like 'version%' ;
| Variable_name           | Value                        |
| …

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mysqlfailover – Installation and Operations tutorial



1) Download the utilities. Python connector is a prerequisite and this needs to be installed along with mysql utilities rpm




2) Install the RPMs. “Mysqlfailover –help” will confirm the install of the utilities

rpm –ivh mysql-connector-python-2.0.2-1.el6.noarch.rpm

rpm -ivh mysql-utilities-1.5.3-1.el6.noarch.rpm


3) Set the GTID MODE to ON. GTID mode is a prerequisite for mysqlfailover. GTID tracks the transaction IDs for replication instead of tracking log file and position





4) Setup replication using …

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MySQL Dumping and Reloading the InnoDB Buffer Pool

MySQL’s default storage engine as of version 5.5 is InnoDB. InnoDB maintains a storage area called the buffer pool for caching data and indexes in memory. By keeping the frequently-accessed data in memory, related searches are retrieved much faster than reading from disk.

When you stop or restart MySQL, you lose the cached data stored in the buffer pool. There is a feature in MySQL 5.6 which allows you to dump the contents of the buffer pool before you shutdown the mysqld process. Then, when you start mysqld again, you can reload the contents of the buffer pool back into memory. You may also …

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MySQL Fabric — Three Node High Availability Server Farm

So how do you use MySQL Fabric to set up a Highly Available Server Farm? The last two postings in this series were on installing Fabric on a master and then setting up slaves. Now it is time to get get the Fabric Farm started.

The Fabric controller is node number 1 and the slaves are 10, 20, and 30 at IP, 10, 20, and 30 respectively. I am keeping with the last octet of the IP addresses for clarity. I am trying to recreate the Fabric Farm from this image.

On the 10, 20, and 30 systems we need to add the following to the mysld section of the my.cnf

Next set up replication …

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MySQL Fabric — Second Steps, er, Threads

MySQL Fabric will be used set up a three node High Availability server farm and this is the second part of a series. If you missed the last post, I will be doing a live demo (gulp!) on Fabric for the Triangle MySQL User Group in Raleigh. But part of the pain of live demos is how do you get multiple servers set up to make a server farm. E-I-E-I-oh?

Of course getting the slaves up on one laptop and running correctly is the biggest expenditure of time for this demo. For this I will use Vagrant. I am using Vagrant to set up three identical servers using VirtualBox to provide the servers I need for the demo. I am using Ubuntu.
sudo apt-get install vagrant VirtualBox
mkdir vagerant
cd vagrant
vagrant box add db1 …

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MySQL 5.7 labs and the HTTP Plugin – inserting, updating and deleting records in MySQL via HTTP

In the MySQL Labs version of MySQL version 5.7, there is a new HTTP plugin. The HTTP plugin documentation from the labs site provides this information (from MySQL Labs):

The HTTP Plugin for MySQL adds HTTP(S) interfaces to MySQL. Clients can use the HTTP respectively HTTPS (SSL) protocol to query data stored in MySQL. The query language is SQL but other, simpler interfaces exist. All data is serialized as JSON. This version of MySQL Server HTTP Plugin is a Labs release, which means it’s at an early development stage. It contains several known bugs and limitation, and is meant primarily to give you a rough idea how this plugin will look some day. Likewise, the user API is anything but finalized. Be aware it will change in many respects.

In …

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Using Perl to send tweets stored in a MySQL database to twitter

Twitter is not my favorite social media site. Using twitter is like driving downtown, screaming what you want to say out the window, and hoping someone hears you. There might be tens of thousands of people downtown, but your message will only be heard by a few. Your best bet is to repeat your message as often as possible.

However, twitter is free and if you want to reach as many people (theoretically) as possible, you might as well use it. But sending tweets on a scheduled basis can be a pain. There are client programs available which allow you to schedule your tweets (Hootsuite is one I have used in the past). You can load your tweets in the morning, and have the application tweet for you all day long. But you still have to load the application with your tweets – one by one.

A friend of mine asked me if there was a way to send the same 200 tweets over and over again, spaced out every 20 minutes or so. He has a consulting …

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