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Displaying posts with tag: grants (reset)
Managing MySQL Grants

MySQL has an unusual grants system that allows a user to be specified by host, ip or network address. That is you identify a user as ’some_user’@'’, ’some_user’@'′ or ’some_user’@'10.3.%’.

That is quite a nice facility but using it is rather tricky. This potentially provides a lot more security as it allows you to specify that different types of database users can only perform certain actions from different types of hosts. So even if you know the user and password you may have trouble getting into a mysqld server. That’s good.

However, this flexibility comes at a price. There are no tools to help you manage this and I have often seen people resorting to using the simplest type of grant, for some_user@’%', or some_user@’10.%’.

I recently wrote a smalltemplate script which would allow me to …

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A MySQL is running happily on a machine situated in a land far far away. I grant access to a user@machine_aaaaaa (grant select on db.* to ‘user’@'machine_aaaaa’ identified by ‘password’; flush privileges;), send an email to the user saying it should run fine and happily go off my way. Mistake!

It seems this user can’t connect to the mysql gets access denied:
Access denied for user ‘user’@'machine_bbbbb’ (using password: YES)

Note that the machine the user is being seen from is totally different from the one I set up in the grant!! WHY?

run a reverse lookup on the ip of machine_aaaaa, turns out it shows machine_bbbbb. So I figure a big bad guy messed up /etc/hosts, I was right! `cat /etc/hosts` just to find an entry for machine_aaaaa blehh

Ok, solution is to remove the entry from /etc/hosts (after finding out it wasn’t even necessary and wasn’t even supposed to be there in the first …

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