Quick setup to run sysbench using MySQL Cluster 7.4

In developing MySQL Server and MySQL Cluster we use four types of testing.
We use unit testing, we use functional testing, we use system testing and
we use benchmark testing.

For the unit tests and functional tests we use the MTR test framework. This
is dealing with most issues of how to use SQL to query the MySQL database

For system testing the InnoDB team has a test framework that is used to ensure
that InnoDB will survive crashes of many sorts. In a similar fashion MySQL
Cluster uses the autotest framework that I described in an earlier blog:
Link to earlier blog.

For benchmark testing we have a few frameworks, I am going to describe the one
that I use on a regular basis. This framework can be downloaded from:
Link to download.

I started developing this framework in 2006. So it has been extended for quite
some time and it is a lot simpler to run it now than it ever was before.

In this blog I am going to describe  a very minimal setup needed to run a
sysbench benchmark against MySQL Cluster 7.4.

These benchmarks can be used to run the following types of tests:
1) Sysbench on a single server with InnoDB as storage engine
2) Sysbench on a single server with NDB as storage engine
3) Sysbench against InnoDB with InnoDB and sysbench on different servers
4) Sysbench against NDB with different programs on different servers
5) flexAsynch for MySQL Cluster testing on a set of servers
6) DBT2 on a single server with InnoDB as storage engine
7) DBT2 on a single server with NDB as storage engine
8) DBT2 using NDB as a storage engine against a lot of servers

Running against NDB as a storage engine means to use MySQL Cluster.
I mostly focus on 1) above for InnoDB testing. For MySQL Cluster I mostly
focus on 2) and 5). But occasionally I also test 8). 3), 4), 6) and
7) are perfectly possible setups and have been tested as well, but I don't
personally use those so much.

I will write a few blogs about how to setup a benchmark using these benchmark
scripts. I will first describe the basics of setting up a sysbench benchmark
against MySQL Cluster in this blog. Then a basic flexAsynch benchmark. Finally
a basic DBT2 benchmark on a single server.

After describing the basic configuration setup, I will describe in detail the
various parts to configure. There are numerous things to configure:

Mandatory items:
1) Which benchmark to run

2) Pointer to file locations for tarballs, data directory and install directory

3) Pointer to tarballs for MySQL, Sysbench and DBT2 benchmarks, also the
   benchmark scripts which are located in the DBT2 tarball.

4) Definition on which servers the various programs under test will be

Optional parts of configuring SUT (System Under Test)
5) Configuration of MySQL Server. Started also in flexAsynch, but not really
   used in flexAsynch benchmark.

6) Configuration of InnoDB if running test against InnoDB.

7) Configuration of NDB storage engine and NDB nodes if running against NDB
   storage engine.

Optional parts of configuring the actual benchmark
8) Sysbench setup. Setting up how to run the actual sysbench benchmark, for how
long to run, what sysbench variant to use, how many tables and a lot of other
things can be configured about how sysbench is to run. This part is obviously
only interesting when running a sysbench test.

9) DBT2 setup. There are numerous ways to adapt the basic DBT2 benchmark
   although the benchmark transactions are always the same.

10) flexAsynch benchmark setup. Also in flexAsynch there are multiple ways to
    adapt the benchmark.

11) In connection with the flexAsynch benchmark one can also benchmark restarts
    in MySQL Cluster. First the scripts use flexAsynch to load the database and
    then various forms of restarts can be tested.

The full capabilities of those benchmark scripts are quite extensive, they are
the result of 9 years of incremental design where we have tried to extend the
use cases of these benchmarks to support as many environments as possible, but
also to automate as much as is possible.

Obviously to understand all of this in one go is a tad difficult. So we will
try to start by describing how to setup a very simple sysbench benchmark using
one machine running sysbench against the NDB storage engine using the latest
development version of MySQL Cluster 7.4.

This is a good first step to get acquainted with the benchmark scripts. I will
add more details in later blogs about running more advanced setups.

The scripts have been used mostly on Linux, also a fair deal of usage on
Solaris. When preparing this blog I ran it on Mac OS X. This requires some
changes that will soon arrive in the dbt2- updated version of the
benchmark scripts. So preferably use Linux when trying this out for the
first time.

The first step in running this test is to create a directory from where the
tests are located on disk. I usually use some home directory and create a
directory called bench there. So on Mac OS X that would /Users/mikael/bench.
On a Linux machine I would normally use /home/mikael/bench.

In this directory I create four directories. I create one directory called
tarballs, this is where I will place the DBT2, sysbench and MySQL tarballs.
I create one directory called ndb, this will be used as the data directory
and will be automatically filled by the scripts. Next I will create a
directory mysql, this directory is where I will place the binary installation.
Finally I create a directory called sysbench.

Next step is to download the DBT2 tarball and the sysbench tarball from the

Copy those tarballs to the tarballs directory created above.

Next step is to get the MySQL tarball that you want to test. It's ok to use
both source tarballs and binary tarballs. Personally I obviously mostly work
with source tarballs since I want to have full control over everything, but
it's ok to use a binary tarball as well.

Place this tarball also in the tarballs directory.

Now in order to be able to run the benchmark scripts it is necessary to
get the top-level script copied from the DBT2 tarball. To do this perform
the following commands:

cd /Users/mikael/bench #use your bench directory here
cd tarballs
tar xfz dbt2-
cp dbt2-037.50.6/scripts/bench_prepare.sh ..
rm -rf dbt2-

Now ls from /Users/mikael/bench should look like this:
Mikaels-MacBook-Pro:bench mikael$ ls
bench_prepare.sh ndb tarballs
mysql sysbench
Mikaels-MacBook-Pro:bench mikael$ pwd

and ls from tarballs should look something like this:
Mikaels-MacBook-Pro:bench mikael$ cd tarballs
Mikaels-MacBook-Pro:tarballs mikael$ ls
dbt2- mysql-cluster-gpl-7.4.5.tar.gz sysbench-

Now it's time to create the config file.
This file is always located in an almost empty directory under the bench directory with only
one file in it. This file is always called autobench.conf.

Here is the content of the file in my simplistic test run.
#Define benchmark to run
#Define file locations of datadir, installdir and tarballs
#Define tarball versions
#Define engine to use
#Define way to build
#Define servers to use
#Configure MySQL Server
#Configure NDB part
#Configure sysbench

At first we need to define the benchmark to run, this is sysbench in our case.
We need to point out the tarball directory, we need to point out the directory
where to place the installation (REMOTE_BIN_INSTALL_DIR), we also need to point
out the data directory.

Next step is to provide the names of the tarballs, this is done in
have to adapt to different MySQL versions we also need to specify the base version
of MySQL which in the case of MySQL Cluster 7.4 is 5.6. The scripts currently
supports 5.1, 5.5 and 5.6. There is also some adaption needed for a new MySQL
version and so 5.7 is currently not supported but work is on the way for this.

Next we define if we want to use innodb or if we want to use ndb as the
storage engine in this test run.

We also define in the variable USE_BINARY_MYSQL_TARBALL whether we use a
source tarball or a binary tarball. In this case I use a source tarball.

We need to define the servers, there is in the case of sysbench always
one and only one MySQL Server, there can be one or many NDB management
servers. There can also be one or many NDB data nodes. But in this case
we wanted a simple setup on one machine so here there is one of each
sort and they are all located on which is the local host.

We always configure the MySQL server port to ensure we don't have a
problem running the benchmark if another MySQL Server is running on
the host. By default we use libtcmalloc instead of libc malloc, we avoid
this default since there are better malloc libraries and this variable should
be set purposely and not by default in most cases. But setting it to not use
a special malloc library will definitely work, so we do that here as a first

Since we run with NDB storage engine we need to set up a few configuration
variables. The NDB configuration can be quite extensive, but here we strive
for a simplistic one. We want only one replica which we set using NDB_REPLICAS.
We need to set the size of the NDB data memory and the NDB index memory.
Finally we set the number of execution threads to 8 which is pretty standard.
This should be sufficient for a simple benchmark run of sysbench.

The final section sets up a minimalistic set of parameters to run sysbench.
We run OLTP complex RW case. We insert 100.000 rows into the table and we
run two tests, one with 16 MySQL connections and one with 32 connections.
Each test will run for 1 minute and we will only run each test once.

Now that is a minimal configuration, it is possible to make it even smaller
but then it's hard to understand what the test actually does since one
needs to be an expert in the default settings which even I don't remember
for all variables.

Now this file autobench.conf is placed in
in my case.

Now it is time to run the test case.

The test is executed by the following commands:
cd /Users/mikael/bench
./bench_prepare.sh --default-directory /Users/mikael/bench/sysbench

The test will run everything until completed. Actually I more or less always use
one more parameter --skip-cleanup. This means that I don't have to repeat the
building of the source code if I want to rerun the test. If I run it then a
second time I should run with both --skip-cleanup and --skip-build to ensure
that I skip rebuilding the source and skip cleaning away the built source code
at the end of the test run.

The test result is located in the file:

The output from the sysbench program in this particular case can be found
in the file:

Good luck in benchmarking.

My favourite tool in following the benchmarks is top. I usually lock the various
threads onto different CPUs to ensure that I can understand how the different
threads behaves. I haven't done this in this set up since this is just a basic
setup. But top is still a good tool to follow what is going on in the server.

One final note is that running this basic setup will require 20-30 GByte of
disk space and also during the test run there will be a fairly high load on
the disk. As many developers are not suitable for benchmarks of
database engines one way to adapt the benchmark for a developer
environment is to set the config parameter NDB_DISKLESS="yes".
This essentially makes the file system behave as if it was located on