MySQL Performance: 5.5 and 5.6-labs @TPCC-like

It's now over a year when there was a quite interesting exchange with Vadim and other Percona guys due their TPCC-like benchmark results on MySQL 5.5 - I've replayed on that time the same tests, but with a better tuned configuration parameters to demonstrate that with a little bit more love, MySQL 5.5 may keep TPCC-like workload very well ;-)) However, it was clear that Adaptive Flushing in 5.5 needs some improvement (which is now implemented in 5.6), but there were also several open questions regarding I/O level and O_DIRECT performance which I was able to clarify for me only during last year IO testing on a decent Linux box + storage..

Summarizing all this stuff, you may understand my curiosity to see how well (or not) MySQL 5.6-labs is running today on Percona's TPCC-like workload ;-))

But let's start from the system setup first:

  • so, I'm using a 32cores bi-thread Intel box, 128GB RAM
  • running Oracle Linux 6.2
  • storage: x3 SDD in RAID0
  • filesystem: XFS mounted with "noatime,nodiratime,nobarrier,logbufs=8" options

Same TPCC-like workload as before:

  • 500W data volume
  • 32 concurrent users (initially it was only 16 on the previous tests, but I think it'll be pity to run only 16 users when you have 32cores Linux box ;-))

Then, my first test will be with MySQL 5.5 - even it's GA since more than one year and no any major changes allowed to the code, it was still improved over a time and will give us a good idea about its state for today.. From the previous testing I've retained that to help Adaptive Flushing in 5.5 the "innodb_io_capacity" value should be set to a something huge -- as the algorithm in 5.5 is not following very well the REDO activity, we should avoid to limit it in IO capacity (and when it'll decide to do a big I/O request we should let it happen ;-))

MySQL 5.5 configuration:

table_open_cache = 8000

# files

# buffers

# tune
innodb_flush_method= O_DIRECT

# perf special
innodb_read_io_threads = 16
innodb_write_io_threads = 16
innodb_io_capacity = 20000

Note that I did not reduce this time the dirty pages percentage to enforce the dirty pages flushing - I'm expecting here that my I/O level will be fast enough to keep the flush activity aligned with REDO logs.. Let's see what is the result now ;-)

MySQL 5.5 results:
Observations :

  • there are some initial QPS drops due critical levels in Checkpoint Age
  • but over a time performance become more and more stable, reaching something not far from 110K QPS..

Also, I did not write this blog post intentionally for 5.5 (my main goal was to test 5.6-labs), but I'm surprised to not see here huge drops and frozen activity for long amount of time observed and reported by guys from Percona and TokuDB.. - sure there are also QPS drops on my graphs too, but it's nothing comparable to what was reported by others.. Maybe with a little bit more love you may also reach a better and more stable results?.. ;-)

Well, lest move to MySQL 5.6.4 now - it was the last 5.6 release just before 5.6-labs, so Adaptive Flushing was still very similar to what we have in 5.5 (even if some improvement, like page_cleaner thread, were introduced).. So, nothing different within 5.6.4 configuration setup (same 20K IO capacity), except monitoring via METRICS table is enabled.

MySQL 5.6.4 results :

Observations :

  • QPS performance is reaching 160K QPS over a time
  • there are more activity drops comparing to 5.5..
  • all QPS drops are related to reaching critical levels in Checkpoint Age.. - so it was a time to improve AF here ;-))
  • we're reaching near 8000 pages/sec in flushing - good to know to adapt the Max IO capacity in 5.6-labs ;-)

MySQL 5.6-labs configuration:

  • same as 5.5, except the following:
  • innodb_io_capacity = 4000
  • innodb_max_io_capacity = 12000

MySQL 5.6-labs results :


  • seems we're unable to flush more than 8000 dirty pages/sec here.. (interesting why?..)
  • so, nothing surprising that Checkpoint Age is remaining in critical level most of the time..
  • however, there are near no QPS drops at all on the "good" part of graph (up to 11:25 ;-))
  • we're reaching 170K QPS now !..
  • but after 11:25 there is a huge performance drop.. - why?..

Let's look more in depth:

  • the main current InnoDB bottleneck on TPCC-like workload is index lock contention..
  • but since 11:25 there is a log_sys mutex contention which is jumping up too!..
  • the only reason for log_sys to come in such a configuration is to get REDO log files out of filesystem cache (then on most of REDO I/O writes there will be read-on-write involved, because the REDO I/O operation is not aligned to the filesystem block size..) - this will be fixed soon in 5.6 too ;-)
  • however, since I'm using O_DIRECT, and only MySQL is running on my server, what other I/O activity may remove REDO log files from the filesystem cache?...

The answer:

  • from the graph above you may see that "mysqld" process is reaching 128GB memory usage by the end of test..
  • of course, when there is no more memory on the system, there is no more place for REDO logs in the filesystem cache either ;-))
  • comparing with 5.6.4, seems there was a memory leak bug introduced in 5.6 trunk recently ;-))
  • so, I'm happy to find it, but keep it in mind for the moment when trying 5.6-labs on Read+Write workloads - I think it'll be fixed soon..

Well, I'm pretty happy with what I saw.. (except the memory leak bug of course ;-)) -- but I see now the potential we're having under 5.6-labs.. And with all other further improvement which are currently in pipe, MySQL 5.6 should be again yet another the best ever MySQL release after 5.5 !..

Stay tuned.. ;-)
