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Displaying posts with tag: monitor (reset)
MEM with missing Agents?

You could set this up simply by adding the no_proxy option to the .curlrc file of the MEM  user to make the change permanent. Remember that to turn off the proxy for all connections, you would use:

$ setenv  no_proxy  '\*'

MEM with missing Agents?

You could set this up simply by adding the no_proxy option to the .curlrc file of the MEM  user to make the change permanent. Remember that to turn off the proxy for all connections, you would use:

$ setenv  no_proxy  '\*'

MySQL Enterprise Monitor documentation public now

The MySQL Enterprise Monitor continuously monitors MySQL servers and alerts to potential problems before they impact the system. It helps eliminating security vulnerabilities, improves replication, optimizes performance, and more. Its newest feature, Quan (Query Analyzer), helps identify queries that could be tuned to improve performance. Quan enables database administrators to do the work that would otherwise require hours in just minutes, or even seconds, and it provides ongoing statistical information about the performance of your queries.

MySQL Enterprise Monitor is a commercial offering by Sun Microsystems, and so was the documentation. To help anyone (even if they're not customers) get a better and complete understanding of what exactly MySQL Enterprise Monitor is about and what it can do, we've decided to make its full documentation publicly available. This has been done now, and the docs are part of the MySQL Manual now; see: …

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Capacity Planning, Architecture, Scaling, Response time, Throughput

First of all let me start off saying that I learned a lot of Capacity Planning from two people. Jozo Dujmovic, and John Allspaw-who by the way is coming out with a book.

Capacity != Performance
. You may have the capacity to do a bubble sort but a bubble sort is still a bubble sort.

Really to Scale you need to know when your application will break. I have a tool set to help determine what application is producing what SQL and use that to figure out which SQL is producing the most load on the system. Some common tricks I do is put the execution path automatically as a SQL comment, then sample the FULL Processlist to build a graph on what application, function, SQL pattern is the top load.

On top of that I use Ganglia to trend the use of each mysql …

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MySQL Conference Liveblogging: Benchmarking Tools (Wednesday 4:25PM)
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