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Displaying posts with tag: netbeans (reset)
Creating an Ajax Application with

Hi all,

Today I'd like to continue a blog series in which I highlight Web application tutorials for NetBeans 6.5. A few changes have been made to tutorials, among which is the featuring of MySQL as the database of choice.

This second entry in the series will cover the tutorial, "Creating an Ajax Application with", which is based on a blog entry by Arun Gupta.

This tutorial demonstrates the usage of the Java Persistence APIs to implement server side pagination (recommended for large sets of data) and to get and display the results in a text field featuring Ajax functionality. Ajax is a technology that combines (X)HTML, JavaScript, and CSS with the power of XmlHttpRequest in the creation of RIAs (Rich Internet Applications). is a set of JavaScript libraries to enhance the user …

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Creating an Ajax Autocompletion Text Field with Dynamic Faces

Hi all,

Today I'd like to start a blog series in which I highlight Web application tutorials for NetBeans 6.5. A few changes have been made to tutorials, among which is the featuring of MySQL as the database of choice.

This first entry in the series will cover the tutorial, "Creating an Ajax Autocompletion Text Field with Dynamic Faces", which is based on a NetBeans Community Docs tutorial by Bilal Ahamed.

This tutorial demonstrates the usage of the Woodstock JSF 1.2 Text Field component with Ajax functionality provided by the Project Dynamic Faces component library. Dynamic Faces, also known as POJC (Plain Old JavaServer Faces Components), are an extension to JavaServer Faces technology that lets you easily implement Ajax functionality. In particular, …

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451 CAOS Links 2008.11.21

Sun updates MySQL Enterprise. The Microsoft/Novell deal is two years old. Nuxeo and Boxee get funding. Red Hat’s CEO on open source in a downturn. Steve Ballmer as a glove puppet. And more.

Press releases
Sun Enhances MySQL Enterprise With New Query Analyzer Tool to Boost Database Application Performance Sun Microsystems

Microsoft and Novell Mark Two Years of Interoperability Progress Microsoft

Nuxeo secures 2 million Euros and strengthens its board of directors and corporate governance Nuxeo

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Feedback requested: SQL completion in code editors - is it valuable?

I am hoping I can get some feedback from you all.  I have been excited about the support for completion in the NetBeans PHP editor (and other editors to follow).  The response to my quick little blog about this has been pretty positive.

To refresh, here's an example of what it would look like:

But I have also gotten some feedback from more than one source that this may not actually be as valuable as it may first appear.  The reason is that, and this makes sense, the actual work flow when building SQL for your application is as follows:

  • Open SQL tool and write your query
  • Execute, evaluate results, modify, repeat
  • Copy and paste final SQL into your editor
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NetBeans: easily generate INSERT statements from query results

I wanted to call out one database tooling feature in NetBeans 6.5 that I think is pretty cool, and it's a little bit hidden.

If you execute a query and you get results, you can then do a number of interesting things with them.

Things like show what the CREATE TABLE statement would look like, or copy and paste the data you have selected (the paste format is hard-coded right now, but next release we plan to support CSV and XML output).

The one I like the best is that you can generate INSERT statements for the data.

Combine this with generating the CREATE TABLE statement, and it makes it really easy to hand your data set to someone else for testing or collaboration.

Sun Gives MySQL A Query Analyzer -- InformationWeek

By moving the sorting out of the database and back into the application, plus putting a limit on how many stories would be returned to any first request, Freund watched query execution time drop from an average 5.27 seconds down to 2.54 seconds. In other words, Clickability chopped 48% of the time it took to execute each query out of his overhead. The new tool "gave us a snapshot. We learned more about query usage in two minutes than we could gain in two years of ad hoc log analysis and guessing,"

NetBeans 6.5 now officially released!

Wow, it's so cool when something you've worked and worked on finally sees the light of day and goes GA. There's lots in this release, but one of the area's I'm most excited about is the PHP support. Our editor teams produce awesome stuff, and this is no exception, IMHO.

Of course there is also the cool stuff we've done in the databases area:

  • SQL code completion
  • SQL history
  • Editable, pageable results
  • Export results as SQL INSERT statements
  • Easy installation of Sakila sample database

Go get the bits, have fun.

MySQL Query Analyzer - first impressions

Very interesting review of the new MySQL Query Analyzer that comes with MySQL Enterprise Monitor. I installed Quan (Query Analyzer) and within about 20 minutes it became clear I had a query that was averaging 14 seconds to run. This query doesn't get run all that often, every 5 minutes or so, but it uses a table that is the most active table on our system.

OK, click on the query and it pops up a full view, showing the query with literals replaced by place holders. If you have Example Queries configured, you can check to see if there is an example showing all of the data, and if you have Example Explain configured, you will also be able to …

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NetBeans IDE 6.5 Released!

Download NetBeans IDE 6.5

NetBeans IDE 6.5 offers simplified and rapid development of web, enterprise, desktop, and mobile applications with PHP, JavaScript, Java, C/C++, Ruby, and Groovy.

New features include a robust IDE for PHP, JavaScript debugging for Firefox and IE, and support for Groovy and Grails. The release also delivers a number of enhancements for Java, Ruby on Rails, and C/C++ development. Java highlights include: built-in support for Hibernate, Eclipse project import, and compile on save. Combining excellent out of the box experience, compelling features, and a great plugin ecosystem, NetBeans IDE 6.5 is a must-download for all developers.

NetBeans IDE 6.5 is currently available in English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese. There are several community contributed localization efforts underway to support …

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SQL completion in PHP strings

NetBeans 6.5 is soon to be released. After 10 years of NetBeans that's the first version of Sun's OpenSource IDE featuring PHP support. While 6.5 is waiting to be packaged the development didn't stop and the first features for the successor,, are already being developed. David Van Couvering just showed a preview of a cool new feature: SQL completion in PHP strings, if it does what the screenshot promises that's a damn great addition in my opinion....

Showing entries 131 to 140 of 195
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