Toad for MySQL

Long before MySQL, DBAs have been using Toad. Toad is short for Tool for Oracle Application Developers and I remember the Oracle DBAs raving about how TOAD made so many things simpler. Now it is many years later and Dell has released TOAD for MySQL.

On the product page we are promised Toad™ for MySQL is a freeware development tool that enables you to quickly and efficiently create and execute queries, automate database object management, and develop SQL code. Toad MySQL provides utilities to compare, extract, and search for objects. The MySQL tool also enables you to record and play back keyboard commands, and transfer data across MySQL databases. The MySQL developer tool increases efficiency by helping you manage projects, import/export data, and administer the database. Sounds pretty good!

But how does it stack up against MySQL Workbench on my Windows Laptop?

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is required before installing Toad. Toad For MySQL? Yup, Toad is now available for MySQL Starting ‘Toad for MySQL Freeware’ starts off with links for video tutorials, other freeware, blogs, and a link to visit the Toad for MySQL Community.

Connecting to Toad is similar to Workbench but then there is just so much information to build a DSN.

Entity Relationship Mapping
Tables are dragged manually from the Object Explorer to the diagram window and foreign key mappings is automatically drawn. This is in contrast to Workbench that maps all tables.

Queries and results from that query in a separate pane. Toad will provide hints for columns or keywords as you type queries. You can not get an Explain Plan as as their is an odd error about violation of a constraint and their is no Visual Explain. You do have an option for a drag-n-drop pivot table from query results. You can created tables, edit existing tables, drop tables and all the functions you would expect.

Build Queries
You can drag-n-drop to build queries. I grabbed the world.City table, dropped it on the canvas, and clicked on the Name Column. Next I dragged the Country table and clicked on that tables’ Name column. Toad automatically generated the SQL to to perform an inner join. And that is cool and should help infrequent query writers.

Not Workbench
Workbench has more functionality for things like system administration, backups, import, user admin, system statistics, and DBA oriented work.

So What IS Toad?
Toad is a query tool and fantastic for those who do not need all the admin functionality of Workbench. If you write SQL this may be an option for you. There is no Explain, Visual Explain, or any info on a query plan. And the ability to drag-n-drop tables may be what you need.

I will tray incorporating Toad in my normal work and see what else pops up.