MySQL Web Reference Architectures - Your Guide to Innovating on the Web

MySQL is deployed in 9 of the top 10 most trafficked sites on the web including Facebook, Twitter, eBay and YouTube, as well as in some of the fastest growing services such as Tumblr, Pinterest and

Working with these companies has given MySQL developers, consultants and support engineers unique insight into how to design database-driven web architectures – whether deployed on-premise or in the cloud.

The MySQL Web Reference Architectures are a set of documented and repeatable best practices for building infrastructure that deliver the highest levels of scalability, agility and availability with the lowest levels of cost, risk and complexity. 

Four components common to most web and mobile properties are sized, with optimum deployment architectures for each:

• User authentication and session management

• Content management

• Ecommerce

• Analytics and big data integration

The sizing is defined by database size and load, as shown below

For each reference architecture, strategies for scaling the service and ensuring high availability are discussed, along with approaches to secure, audit and backup user data, and tools to monitor and manage the environment.

The Reference Architectures cover the core underlying technologies supporting today’s most successful web services including:

- MySQL Database

- MySQL Cluster

- MySQL Replication

- Caching with Memcached and Redis

- Big Data with Hadoop


- Geographic Redundancy

- Hardware Recommendations

- Operational Best Practices

An example of the "Large" reference architecture is shown below

To learn more:

- Download the MySQL Web Reference Architectures Guide

- View the MySQL Web Reference Architectures slides

The Reference Architecture are designed as a starting point which we hope will enable you build the next web and mobile phenomenon!