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Displaying posts with tag: tree (reset)
Converting comma separated fields to MySQL JSON – a case study

This post is a case study of a job I had to do in a legacy application, it doesn’t mean it will apply to you, but it might.

This is a table of contents:

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OQGRAPH update: speed, maze example, 5.0 packages

Antony has done a bit of magic, considerably speeding up inserts. Since the base implementation does not have persistence, insert speed is particularly important. Copying the 2×89,051 edges for the Tree-of-Life example is now near-instant.

The delete bug has been fixed.

There’s a new Maze example in the OQGRAPH trunk on Launchpad, first introduced in my MySQL University session. I created/inserted a maze of 1 million rooms (that comes to about 3 million edges), and OQGRAPH found the shortest path (122330 steps for this particular maze) in abound one second. That’s pretty good, I think!

Last but not least, the …

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OQGRAPH on Launchpad, graph examples

The MySQL 5.0 and MySQL/MariaDB 5.1 source code is now also available through Launchpad. If you were waiting for a version for 5.1 and are ok with building the plugin from source, now you can!

The repo contains a subdir for examples, we’re hoping many people will contribute little snippets and scripts to import and use interesting datasets. To give you a hint, with graph capabilities you are able to deal with RDF data sources. You just need to transform the XML to say CSV, import into a suitable structure, and copy the edge information across to an OQGRAPH table.

Roland Bouman’s tree-of-life (which uses xslt stylesheets) are a good example of that approach, and was the first entry in the examples tree, including an SQL dump of the base dataset (it was CC-NC licensed) so you don’t …

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Walking the Tree of Life in simple SQL

Antony and I are busy getting the Open Query GRAPH Engine code ready so you all can play with it, but we needed to test with a larger dataset to make sure all was fundamentally well with the system.

We have some intersting suitable dataset sources, but the first we tried in ernest because it was easy to get in (thanks to Roland Bouman for both the idea and providing xslt stylesheets to transform the set), was the Tree of Life which is a hierarchy of 89052 entries showing how biological species on earth are related to eachother.

GRAPH engine operates in a directed fashion, so I inserted the connections both ways resulting in 178102 entries. So, I inserted A->B as well as B->A for each connection. So we now have a real graph, not just a simple tree.

Just like with my previous post, we have a separate …

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GRAPH engine – Mk.II

The GRAPH engine allows you to deal with hierarchies and graphs in a purely relational way. So, we can find all children of an item, path from an item to a root node, shortest path between two items, and so on, each with a simple basic query structure using standard SQL grammar.

The engine is implemented as a MySQL/MariaDB 5.1 plugin (we’re working on a 5.0 backport for some clients) and thus runs with an unmodified server.

Demo time! I’ll simplify/strip a little bit here for space reasons, but what’s here is plain cut/paste from a running server, no edits

-- insert a few entries with connections (and multiple paths)
insert into foo (origid, destid) values (1,2), (2,3), (2,4), (4,5), (3,6), (5,6);
-- a regular table to join on to
insert into people values (1,"pearce"),(2,"hunnicut"),(3,"potter"), …
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