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Displaying posts with tag: Dynamic Cursor (reset)
A General Purpose Dynamic Cursor - Part 2 of 3


Refer to part 1 for the rationale behind the code or you can skip to part 3 for a working example as well as how you can debug the stored procedure.

Important: The SP will create a table named `dynamic_cursor`. Make sure this table does not exist in the database where you will be storing the procedure. Here's the 1st iteration of a general purpose dynamic cursor:

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `dynamicCursor`(
IN selectStmt TEXT,
IN whatAction VARCHAR(255),
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A General Purpose Dynamic Cursor - Part 1 of 3


Skip to part 2 for the code snippet or to part 3 for a working example and how to debug the stored procedure.

Also another workaround on a missing MySQL functionality, enabling/disabling triggers, can be found here.

As of version 5.5, MySQL still does not have the native ability to execute a dynamic cursor. This can be worked around but the resulting stored procedure will have a few limitations.

This stored procedure is a general purpose …

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