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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL deadlocks (reset)
How to deal with MySQL deadlocks

A deadlock in MySQL happens when two or more transactions mutually hold and request for locks, creating a cycle of dependencies. In a transaction system, deadlocks are a fact of life and not completely avoidable. InnoDB automatically detects transaction deadlocks, rollbacks a transaction immediately and returns an error. It uses a metric to pick the easiest transaction to rollback. Though an occasional deadlock is not something to worry about, frequent occurrences call for attention.

Before MySQL 5.6, only the latest deadlock can be reviewed using SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS command. But with Percona Toolkit’s pt-deadlock-logger you can have deadlock information retrieved from SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS at a given interval and saved to a file or table for late diagnosis. For more information on using pt-deadlock-logger, see …

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